Tudo sobre argentina

And a person convicted of first-degree criminal solicitation to commit election fraud will face between one to three years in jail.

There are then eight individual counts which include conspiracy to obstruct justice, withholding a document or record and making false statements.

In dueling speeches in California, the two Republican candidates pushed for mass deportations, a position that is as extreme as it may be unfeasible.

The former president has offered shifting defences for the material found at his property, mostly arguing that he declassified it. No evidence has been provided that this was possible or is true.

La Ciudad por Buenos Aires también se suma al calendario Brasileiro y va a asistir a las urnas en la misma fecha para elegir al nuevo jefe do Gobierno porteño qual sucederá a Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

The relief is a result of his administration's fixes to number of programs, including the income-driven repayment plans and Public Service Loan tv Forgiveness.

The candidates’ dueling styles were on clear display as the two men tried to woo voters affected by the United Automobile Workers strike.

Os venezuelanos constituem Bastante Parcela dos migrantes interceptados através patrulha americana na fronteira com este Mfoixico nos últimos meses

Em 14 do outubro, durante uma entrevista a um podcast, Bolsonaro disse qual "pintou um clima" durante visitante a um grupo de meninas venezuelanas pelo Distrito Federal.

Andreza Matais teve sua conta pelo Gov.BR invadida por criminosos de que ameaçaram divulgar dados pessoais da jornalista; em nota, a ANJ repudiou ‘tática extremista’ de ataque à imprensa

"Ele chega ao poder pouco depois da queda de Dilma no Brasil, quando este momento político brasileiro já indicava de modo a um sucesso da direita.

"Até Este momento, lamento não ter conseguido encontrar uma maneira de criar com qual ela fosse ouvida da forma de que merecia, dada a coragem que demonstrou ao entrar em contato conosco", disse Biden em 1 discurso em março por 2019.

Past high-profile trials suggest stress and potential pitfalls for Georgia judge handling Trump case

A Trump campaign event on Sunday was part of an effort by the former president to increase his presence in Iowa and to shut out his rivals in January’s caucuses.

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